On 10/15 http://timeandcycles.blogspot.com/2012/10/mars-rahu-aspect-and-november-elections.html
I mentioned: "The NDX has a regular 37 TD Cycle due around 10/25 time frame, most likely a Low."
Actual: The NDX declined into its 37 TD Low into 10/26 Lows.
From Tuesday 10/23 daily Email: "Various cycles suggest 10/23H, which is the MD High, decline into 10/26 Low of the week
Actual: We made a brief 10/22 High of the week and a declined into 10/26 Low of the week
The Fibonacci Spiral from 10/26/12 +/-:
- 89 TD = 06/19/12H (+2)
-144 TD = 04/02/12H (+1)
-233 TD = 11/25/11L (-1)
-377 TD = 05/02/11H
-610 TD = 05/25/10L (+2)
-987 TD = 11/21/08L (+2)
The Fibonacci Spiral from 05/02/11H:
+ 13 TD = 05/19/11H
+ 21 TD = 06/01/11H
+ 34 TD = 06/16/11L (-2)
+ 55 TD = 07/21/11H (+1)
+ 89 TD = 09/06/11L (-1)
+144TD = 11/21/08L (+1)
+233TD = 04/02/12H (-1)
+377TD = 10/26/12L +/-1
The 1/2 year / 6 Lunar Month (LM) inverted Cycle has Friday 10/26 +/-1 as a swing Low.
6 Lunar Months = 177 CD = 180 degrees/Opposition = 125 TD Cycle
What is interesting here is that the cycle is inverted = opposite or 180 degrees.
The 6 LM/125 TD Cycle ( Click on chart to enlarge):
1. 03/06/12L = 09/04/12L
2. 03/19/12H = 09/14/12H
3. 04/02/12H = 09/26/12L => Inverted
4. 04/10/12L = 10/05/12H => Inverted
5. 04/17/12H = 10/12/12L => Inverted
6. 04/23/12L = 10/18/12H => Inverted
7. 05/01/12H = 10/26/12L => Inverted
The 37 TD, Fibonacci Spiral and the 6 Lunar month inverted cycle have an 10/26 Low+/-1
I mentioned: "The NDX has a regular 37 TD Cycle due around 10/25 time frame, most likely a Low."
Actual: The NDX declined into its 37 TD Low into 10/26 Lows.
From Tuesday 10/23 daily Email: "Various cycles suggest 10/23H, which is the MD High, decline into 10/26 Low of the week
Actual: We made a brief 10/22 High of the week and a declined into 10/26 Low of the week
The Fibonacci Spiral from 10/26/12 +/-:
- 89 TD = 06/19/12H (+2)
-144 TD = 04/02/12H (+1)
-233 TD = 11/25/11L (-1)
-377 TD = 05/02/11H
-610 TD = 05/25/10L (+2)
-987 TD = 11/21/08L (+2)
The Fibonacci Spiral from 05/02/11H:
+ 13 TD = 05/19/11H
+ 21 TD = 06/01/11H
+ 34 TD = 06/16/11L (-2)
+ 55 TD = 07/21/11H (+1)
+ 89 TD = 09/06/11L (-1)
+144TD = 11/21/08L (+1)
+233TD = 04/02/12H (-1)
+377TD = 10/26/12L +/-1
The 1/2 year / 6 Lunar Month (LM) inverted Cycle has Friday 10/26 +/-1 as a swing Low.
6 Lunar Months = 177 CD = 180 degrees/Opposition = 125 TD Cycle
What is interesting here is that the cycle is inverted = opposite or 180 degrees.
The 6 LM/125 TD Cycle ( Click on chart to enlarge):
1. 03/06/12L = 09/04/12L
2. 03/19/12H = 09/14/12H
3. 04/02/12H = 09/26/12L => Inverted
4. 04/10/12L = 10/05/12H => Inverted
5. 04/17/12H = 10/12/12L => Inverted
6. 04/23/12L = 10/18/12H => Inverted
7. 05/01/12H = 10/26/12L => Inverted
The 37 TD, Fibonacci Spiral and the 6 Lunar month inverted cycle have an 10/26 Low+/-1