Sunday, August 19, 2012

Mars and the Vedic Dragon aspect next due on 10/2/12


The August 1st week Square and static Cycle mentioned here:
was a 7/24 major Low and 8/2 higher Low.

The important 93 week Bond market cycle was the 7/25 Interest Rate Low and Bond High:
The markets has since touched make or Break resistance and closed right on it last week.

I have written about the Mars and the Vedic Dragon (Rahu=the Moon’s North Node) aspects in the past (Email me for the pdf report at 

More recently the Mars Rahu (Moon’s North Node) hard aspects (Red lines) has been turning the markets and the next one is due on 10/2/12.

Mars 180 True Node 07/23/2011 17:34 was the 7/21/11 major High
Mars 090 True Node 12/13/2011 06:12
was the 12/19/11 major Low
Mars 090 True Node 03/19/2012 18:30 was the
4/2/12 major High
Mars 090 True Node 04/30/2012 23:30
was the 5/1/2012 secondary High
Mars 000 True Node
10/02/2012 15:06
Mars 090 True Node 01/24/2013 19:48
Mars 180 True Node 05/13/2013 05:46

1 comment:

sammy said...

Here's the vix