Thursday, December 9, 2010

Timing the next Cycle High

With new closing highs that comes along with all kind of bearish divergences everywhere, we need to be alert for a High forming at any time, but when exactly?

Precise Timing is going to be critical. Once the Highs are in, we should see a relative sharp correction afterward.

These Change in Trends (CIT) tend to be exact,sometimes +/- 1 TD, although they work 70-80% of the time, so take the following fwiw.

The Dollar CIT is today 12/9, the Solar CIT is 12/9 is for the stock markets. The SPX itself has a 12/10-13 CIT. These next few days are a critical Time period to watch for the markets.

As mentioned in my previous post, even though there were many reasons for a 12/7/10 High (see December 7th post), my Master Cycle and Major cycle are the dominant Cycles to watch at the moment and are currently expecting higher Highs.

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