This is a stockmarket site for both intraday and swingtraders, trading the SP emini,ETF's like QLD, SSO, etc. Various Timing techniques and Cycles are researched. Precise Timing is everything. Both Intraday and daily Change in Trend (CIT) Times are calculated through several unique timing methods that are often exact or off by mostly +/- 5-10 minutes for intraday times and +/-1 day for the daily CITs. All the different Cycles in the SP 500 markets are discussed.
This is an interesting 1987 Fractal pattern (Click on chart to enlarge) that has been in the markets for over a year now. It is "1 Trading Day is a week" Fractal. This was posted a couple of weeks ago on our T&C Group, courtesy of "sixsigma trading" ( that I thought was worthwhile to share with everyone.
1. 08/25/87H = 10/11/07H 2. 09/08/87L = 01/23/08L 3. 09/22/87L = 03/17/08L 4. 10/02/87H = 05/19/08H, 5. 10/12/87L = 07/15/08L 6. 10/13/87H = 07/23/08H 7. 10/20/87L = 09/11/08L??? If I calculated it correctly, this Fractal Cycle has roughly a 7 Times expansion (1 Trading Day in 1987 is equal to a week in 2008) and bottoms around 9/11/08, the 7 Year anniversary of 9/11/01, but it could arrive earlier or later, as the fractal can expand or contract.
In Sixsigma's work it is the pattern that is strikingly similar and it doesn't always have to abide by the exact 7 Times expansion of 1987. In any case it is an interesting pattern at an interesting Time.
The major CIT (Change in Trend) due 7/11-14 (see last post) arrived a day (more like an hour) late on 7/15 Low at my 10 am intraday CIT cluster. I also had a 214 (2*108) hourly Cycle (Click on chart to enlarge) due around that time. We have rallied 85-90 SP's in the 6 Tradings days ever since.
The next Major daily CIT is due 7/31-8/1/08 and should be just as important as the one that called the 7/15/08 Low. Never a dull moment with these markets. We should see a powerful move after the 7/31-8/1 time frame.
Kudos to all Astrologers that called the decline this past week (see previous post). We didn't get their expected crash, but the decline continued down.
Initially, I was looking for a 6/30-7/1 Low from the 6/5/08 Highs . This last week had alot of crash calls, but you know what is very strange? We are ONLY 20 SP's Lower than the 7/1/08 Lows (click on chart to enlarge), but it feels like we dropped over 100 SP points as bearish sentiment has grown even more extreme in the last week.
I have my next Major daily CIT due 7/11 -14 (Friday-Monday) and we are declining into it, so we should be making an important Low right in this time frame. Ideally we will see a Monday 7/14/08 Low.
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Well, that is what many of the respected astrologers on the Time and Cycles (T&C) Yahoo Group and others are predicting for the coming week, including AstroCycle trader, Jaywiz, Jonathan Pearl, Olga, Marina, as well as Rosecast and Barry Rosen and others.
Some other cyclists (not astro based) in the T&C Group are also looking for a steep decline in the coming weeks, most notably Eurobum, with his mathematically based, often accurate model, who correctly called for a 6/4 Major High and is now looking for a sharp decline into 7/14 Low. Then there is the Master of Cycles himself, Slawek with his "Oscar nominated" 847 Month Cycle, who is looking for a sharp decline from a 7/7 high to 7/19 Low.
Will they be right? We'll soon find out, but many of the Astro based calls for a potential crash next week is based on the Sun opposite Jupiter and Mars conjuncting Saturn on 7/9-10/08.
I decided to research all the Mars conjunct and opposite Saturn from 1994 to present. This is what I found: Mars 000 Saturn 03/14/1994 04:54 Mars 180 Saturn 07/12/1995 07:05 Mars 000 Saturn 03/22/1996 01:41 Mars 180 Saturn 01/09/1997 11:05 Mars 180 Saturn 02/16/1997 16:33 ===> 2/19/97 High, 3 days later Mars 180 Saturn 07/29/1997 03:14 Mars 000 Saturn 04/02/1998 07:23 ===> 4/6/98 High, 4 days later Mars 180 Saturn 01/19/1999 19:33 Mars 180 Saturn 04/20/1999 01:19 ===> 5 Daydecline into 4/20/99L Mars 180 Saturn 08/11/1999 12:24 Mars 000 Saturn 04/15/2000 20:21 ===> Day meltdown into 4/14/00L Mars 180 Saturn 02/03/2001 21:23 ===> 1/31/01 High, 4 days earlier Mars 000 Saturn 05/04/2002 05:51 Mars 180 Saturn 02/20/2003 14:00 Mars 000 Saturn 05/25/2004 05:34 Mars 180 Saturn 03/07/2005 15:58 ===> 3/7/05 High Mars 000 Saturn 06/18/2006 05:58 ===> 6/14/06 Low, 4 days earlier Mars 180 Saturn 03/22/2007 19:14 ===>3/14/07 Low, 1 week earlier Mars 000 Saturn 07/10/2008 18:06 ??? Conclusion: Out of the last 18, 8 or 44% were important (some were off by a week) with 4 Major Highs and 4 Major Lows.
This is what the Sun opposite Jupiter did from 1994 to present:
Sun 180 Jupiter 04/30/1994 08:55 Sun 180 Jupiter 06/01/1995 11:22 Sun 180 Jupiter 07/04/1996 11:41 ===>7/1/96 High, 2 week crash Sun 180 Jupiter 08/09/1997 13:39 ===> 8/7/97 High, 7 day decline after Sun 180 Jupiter 09/16/1998 03:02 ===> 9/17/98 Secondary Low Sun 180 Jupiter 10/23/1999 19:04 ===> 10/18/99 Low, 5 days earlier Sun 180 Jupiter 11/28/2000 02:12 ===> 12/2/00 Low, 4 days later Sun 180 Jupiter 01/01/2002 05:53 ===> 1/7/02 High, 6 days later Sun 180 Jupiter 02/02/2003 09:12 Sun 180 Jupiter 03/04/2004 05:05 ===> 3/5/04 High Sun 180 Jupiter 04/03/2005 15:30 Sun 180 Jupiter 05/04/2006 14:36 ===> 5/5/06 High Sun 180 Jupiter 06/05/2007 23:13===> 6/4/07 High
Sun 180 Jupiter 07/09/2008 07:39???
Conclusion: Out of the last 13, 9 or 69% were important (some were off by a week) with 6 Major Highs and 3 Major Lows.
Both aspects are important to watch, especially how they are coming together on 7/9-10. Although they do have misses 55% (Mars 0,180 Saturn) and 30% (Su op Ju) of the time, it remains an important astro aspect be aware of, especially if they complement your own work.
Please note these are not my opinions as I was looking for a 6/5 High and a decline into 6/30-7/1 for many months now.
The long awaited New Moon - 2 Day has arrived today (see previous posts). 717 Lunar Months ago we matched the top on 5/29/08 and bottomed on 7/1/08. Fwiw, I am still expecting a Low today. Markets are deeply oversold and sentiment is at rare extremes (everybody is talking Crash here). Remaining Intraday Turning points were 12.25 pm, 2.00 pm and 2.45 pm EST. 12.25 pm has been the LOD sofar. I do expect a last hour rally today. In previous posts, I mentioned the 1250-67 SPX Price was the ideal Price for a Low and we are now in the ideal Times and Cycles for a Low.