Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Intraday Time and Cycles 11/15/16 Review, Forecast versus Actual

Forecast: "The intraday cycle sees a 1st hour High, midday High and last hour High"

Actual: We did see a 10.20 1st hour High, 12.15 midday High and 4.15 last hour High of Day.

Forecast 11/16/16: Tomorrow sees a 1st hour Low, midday Low and last hour Low.


SBL said...

Hello Raj,

Please explain your meaning of inversion.
To me it means upside down, opposite of previous direction.
Therefore if you tweet the intraday cycle is an inversion, I think it will mean the trend will flip to opposite direction during the intraday. Especially interesting is when you say a change in Trend CIT is 10:20 ish.

So i'll be watching today to see if this morning Nov 17 SPX high of 2184 at 9:58 am is the high for the day, since the initial move direction was up, an inversion means the remainder of the day will be down from that high. Then I will have an understanding of inversion and I can capture some profit so I can afford your subscription.

Raj Time and Cycles said...

An Inversion day means the Highs and Lows can invert, eg there was a 79% chance we saw a 1st hour 10.20 High+/-30 min and a 21% chance we INVERT to a 10.20 Low +/-30.

We saw a 10.00 1st hour High, which now means, there is a 68% chance we see a last hour 3.40 High+/-30 and a 32% chance we INVERT to a 3.40 Low.

SBL said...

ok, so it's only the signals that have a chance of inverting to the opposite, and only within the intraday period, the concept of inversion appears to have nothing to do with the previous day trend reversing on this day?

SBL said...

i forgot to type "thank you"

Raj Time and Cycles said...

The Inversion day occurs every 4 CD. The intraday cycles is based on what I learnt from a Delta Master a few decades ago.It is also known as the short term Delta.
