This is a stockmarket site for both intraday and swingtraders, trading the SP emini,ETF's like QLD, SSO, etc. Various Timing techniques and Cycles are researched. Precise Timing is everything. Both Intraday and daily Change in Trend (CIT) Times are calculated through several unique timing methods that are often exact or off by mostly +/- 5-10 minutes for intraday times and +/-1 day for the daily CITs. All the different Cycles in the SP 500 markets are discussed.
What you can find right away (If you know what you are looking for) are the 3 most important Dates for every year:
1. 3/16 -3/24, The 9 days of Mother Divine in the Spring, which ends with Ram Navami
2. 10/8-10/16, The 9 days of Mother Divine in the Fall, which ends with Victory Day on 10/17.
3. 11/5/10, Dipavali, Festival of Light, Mahalaksmi Day. In the past 3 of the greatest crashes in Market history ended right before the lotus feet of the Great Goddess of wealth, Dipavali: 10/29/29, 10/20/87 and 10/28/97. These are aka Carolan's Dark Days.
The 5 min intraday geometric CITs (Change in Trend, ie Highs or Lows) in the last few days are marked with arrows on the 5 min SPX chart. Intraday 5 min CITs for 2/11 are: 10.05 and 2.05 pm EST (red vertical lines in the chart).
Furthermore, for a week now, I have had an hourly CIT in the 1st hour today 2/11, the 5 min of that CIT came at the close 2/10. There is also daily NDX CIT on 2/12 and a Solar CIT on 2/14 in the weekend. The speculative bias is we make a Low in the 1st hour today, which may have arrived at the close yesterday and rally into 2/12-14 CIT, as Monday is a Holiday, 2/12-16 High.
The 463TD/22 month Cycle should provide downward pressure into February 16th 2010 Lows. Looking at the 3 previous declines of the 463 TD/22 Month Cycles, from Swing High to Swing Low was a 8-10% decline:
3/05/04H at 1163.23 - 8/13/04L at 1060.72 = 102.51 SP's or 9% decline 5/08/06H at 1326.70 - 6/14/06L at 1219.29 = 107.51 SP's or 8% decline 2/19/07H at 817.68 – 4/14/97L at 733.54 = 84.14 SP’s or 10% decline
An average 9% decline would suggest 1046 SPX, which was achieved by the 2/5 Lows at 1044.50 SPX.
The MC in CD was looking for a decline into 2/8 Lows. So far we have seen the expected 9% decline from the 22 month cycle into Friday 2/5 Geometric and Solar CIT Lows, which was 1 TD early. There is a real possibility that the 2/5 Low was the MC Low, even though there are other Cycles suggesting the MC in TD will be correct, ie the decline should last into 2/12-16 Lows, where the next SPX geometric CIT is. If 2/5 was the MC Low, we should see a retest of these Lows by 2/10-12 higher Lows and go sideways into Option Expiration week.
Intraday CITs for 2/10: 9.50, 12.05, 12.25 and 3.20 pm
The Gold index has 2 Major CITs coming up: 2/9** and 3/8-9**.
If Gold is closely related to the stock markets, they will influence them as well. Cash Gold has Major support at the 1000 area, which is the 50% retrace and TL support.
The US$ Dollar Monthly chart is still in a long term down channel with Major resistance at the 86 area, The regular Long term 39-40 month Cycle is next due in July 2011.
The US$Dollar has major resistance at 81.50-90, the previous wave 4 and 50% retrace. Dollar Daily CITs: 2/22, 3/10 and 3/12.
If anyone is interested in the Free 2010 MC forecast, simply email:
A Solar CIT is a proprietary Sun based timing system.
The Solar CIT (Change in Trend) has an unusual High 85-90+% accuracy:
Take the recent examples as documented daily in my T&C daily Email, : 26/31 = 84% CITs were direct Hits +/-1 TD
The Solar CIT on 7/2 was a 7/1 High.The Solar CIT is on 7/8 was a 7/8L. The Solar CIT on 7/13 was a 7/13 Low. The 7/18 and 7/23 CITs were non-events due to the extreme SU move. The Solar CIT on 7/29 was a 7/29 Low, The Solar Cit on 8/5 was an 8/6 low. The Solar CIT on 8/11 was an 8/11 Low. The Solar CIT in 8/17 was an 8/17 Low. The Solar CIT on 8/23 was the 8/25 High. The Solar Cit on 8/29 was the 8/28 High. The Solar CIT on 9/6 and 9/12 was no shows. The Solar CIT on 9/18 was a 9/17 High. The Solar CIT on 9/25 was a 9/25 Low. The Solar CIT on 10/2 was an 10/2 Low. The Solar CIT on 10/9 was a minor 10/9L. The Solar CIT on 10/19 was an 10/19H. The Solar CIT on 10/26 was an 10/23H. The Solar CIT on 11/3 was an 11/2L. The Solar CIT on 11/7 was an 11/6L. The Solar CIT on 11/15 was an 11/16H. The Solar CIT on 11/23 was an 11/23H. The Solar CIT on 12/01 was a non-event. The Solar CIT on 12/9 was an 12/9L. The Solar CIT on 12/16 was an 12/16H. The 12/24 Solar CIT was a 12/28H (1 TD). The 1/1 Solar CIT was a 12/31L. The 1/9 Solar CIT was a 1/11H (+1TD). The 1/18 Solar CIT was a 1/19H. The 1/27 Solar CIT was a 1/26H.
The next Solar CIT’s is on 2/5, which is also a geometric CIT (which are 70-80% accurate) and should be the most important turning point Date for this week.