Monday, August 31, 2009

Review 8/31 and Forecast 9/1

Review of today's Time and cycles:

"Daily CIT: 8/31-9/1
Intraday CIT times to watch for 8/31/09: Hourly CITs: 12.45-1.50 pm EDT 5 min CITs: 9.45, 12.50*** and 2.30 pm EDT. There is a triple hit at 12.50 pm, that is currently biased to be the Low of the day."

Actual Results:

The 9.45 CIT was the 9.55 Low of the day ( "1" on chart)
The 12.50 CIT was a retest Low at 12.40 pm ("2" on chart)
After some chopping around we rallied into the close.

Tomorrow 9/1/09: Important Times to watch: 1.05 and 3.25 pm Eastern.

Please note CITs normally work only 70% of the time, 30% of them don't.

It is best to use them with other tools in your arsenal.

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