This is a stockmarket site for both intraday and swingtraders, trading the SP emini,ETF's like QLD, SSO, etc. Various Timing techniques and Cycles are researched. Precise Timing is everything. Both Intraday and daily Change in Trend (CIT) Times are calculated through several unique timing methods that are often exact or off by mostly +/- 5-10 minutes for intraday times and +/-1 day for the daily CITs. All the different Cycles in the SP 500 markets are discussed.
The triple FIBO and Triple Trendline cluster Major Support below the 11/21/08 Lows is the Anti Christ number is666 SPX:
1. The 62% retrace of 8/82L-10/07H 2. Wave 3 = 1.5 X wave 1. 3. wave 1 = 139.55 * 2 = double down target = wave 1 extension 4. The Monthly chart shows atleast 3 Trendlines supporting this area, making this a Major Support area.
There are 2 Major lows that my Master Cycle, a Vedic based Cycle suggests to watch for 2009, one is due in March 09, the next one is due Mid June 09. The most likely Scenario is that we complete wave 3 from 2/9 Highs into 3/5+/-1 Major Lows and June 09 will be the final wave 5 Low of the year.
Today is 39 TD from the last 1/6 swing High. I have found many times in the last year that large moves end at 39 TD from a previous Major High or Low (click on chart to enlarge).
In summary we are very close to a Major Low, but timing will be important and the time is coming ideally at the Last hour CIT today/Open 3/5.
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