Thanksgiving and Gratitude - Genesis Charts
From Cicero to Buddha, many philosophers and spiritual teachers have celebrated gratitude. The world's major religions, including Christianity, Judaism, Islam and Hindu, prize gratitude as a morally beneficial emotional state that encourages reciprocal kindness. Pastors, priests, parents and grandparents have long extolled the virtues of gratitude, but until recently, scholars have largely ignored it as a subject of scientific inquiry.
A recent study set out to determine the affects of gratitude. After making initial observations and compiling all the previous research on gratitude, they conducted the Research Project on Gratitude and Thanksgiving. The study required several hundred people in three different groups to keep daily diaries. The first group kept a diary of the events that occurred during the day, while the second group recorded their unpleasant experiences. The last group made a daily list of things for which they were grateful.
The results of the study indicated that daily gratitude exercises resulted in higher reported levels of alertness, enthusiasm, determination, optimism and energy. Additionally, the gratitude group experienced less depression and stress. They were more likely to help others, exercised more frequently and made more progress toward personal goals. According to the findings, people who feel grateful are also more likely to feel loved. Researchers noted that gratitude encouraged a positive cycle of reciprocal kindness among people because one act of gratitude encourages another.
These results also seem to show that gratitude works independently of faith. Although gratitude is a substantial part of most religions, it appears the benefits extend to the general population, regardless of faith or lack thereof.
This suggests that anyone can increase their sense of well-being and create positive social effects just from counting their blessings.
That’s the challenge I have for you. Spend 15 minutes this week to list all the great things in your life. From health, to walking, to sight, taste, touch, to housing, to internet, to a myriad of blessings we all have in our lives. Write them down and then share them with whoever may be special in your lives. I personally believe your trading will improve the more you express your gratitude. I know your life will improve.
The following story was most perfect for Thanksgiving and I am thankful for Jessie for expressing how I feel as well and for Susan for sending it to me.
My Thanksgiving Wish for You
When life gives you dung, be sure to find the ponies.
Thanksgiving is my very favorite holiday -- the one day of year that we stop a moment and give thanks and show our gratitude to God and to each other for all of our many blessings: our health, our families, our lifestyles, our ability to serve others.
One of the things I’m most grateful for is something most people dread. It took me awhile to see the gift it really is -- in fact, I think of it as a blessing in disguise.
I’m referring to all of the financial challenges I’ve had over the last couple of years, but the last years (which were the toughest) in particular.
But before I share with you exactly how my financial fiasco is really a blessing, there’s a story I want to share with you.
The Gift (Author Unknown)
Once upon a time, there were two young brothers -- twin brothers -- whose birthday was this very day. Their father told them that he had a very special present for them.
He led these two boys, now very excited, down a long hall to a large room. He opened the door, and the two boys stared, wide-eyed, at a massive pile of ... dung. Yes, dung. There was a huge pile of manure that filled the room, almost to the ceiling.
The one brother screamed in disgust! "Father, what have you done? What kind of present is this? It smells disgusting! And there's so much of it. I think I'm going to be sick! How could you do this to us? And on our birthday no less!" Then, he sat on the floor and cried.
The other brother, eyes still wide, and with a huge grin on his face, dove into that massive pile of manure, head first! Soon there was manure flying all over the room and it seemed to the brother sitting on the floor that his twin had lost his mind.
"What in the world are you doing?" he shouted. "Can't you see that this is a huge pile of crap that our father has given us for our birthday -- and you, you are playing in it!"
The second twin's head popped out from the pile, and with a broad smile he said, "Brother, don't you see? With this much manure, there has to be a pony in here somewhere."
You see, the bigger the life you're creating for yourself, the greater the challenges will be. And sometimes, the bigger the pile of crap.
When I realized this, it was as if a light bulb went off in my head, and a whole new world of gratitude opened up for me.
I began to see things like my strength and compassion, my willingness to work hard, and my tenacity as "the ponies" that have come from experiencing these difficult challenges in my life.
Here are some of the blessings that came with the pony:
1. Within the depths of every failure lie equal or greater seeds to success.
2. I learned the answer to the question: “If you lost all of your money, what would you be worth?”
3. I liked the answer to number two.
4. Self-worth is not tied to a fat bank account or a slim credit card balance.
5. When experiencing self-doubt, be of service to others. (It takes your mind off your own troubles).
6. What you give to others comes back to you in spades -- so give first, even when you think you can't. A smile or a compliment can be freely given.
7. Being happy is a choice I make every day, irrespective of (financial) circumstances.
8. I may not be able to control everything that happens, but I can control my thoughts about what happens.
9. Sometimes the greatest blessings come in disguise.
10. My story can help others who are or have been where I am, as long as I don’t feel sorry for myself for one minute.
My Thanksgiving wish for you is this: That you may always be grateful when you come across challenges -- because it's the reflection of how big a life you are creating. And I wish for you greater and greater capacity to ease elegantly through these challenges, meeting each one head on, and rejoicing as you look for the pony.
Many Blessings,
This is a stockmarket site for both intraday and swingtraders, trading the SP emini,ETF's like QLD, SSO, etc. Various Timing techniques and Cycles are researched. Precise Timing is everything. Both Intraday and daily Change in Trend (CIT) Times are calculated through several unique timing methods that are often exact or off by mostly +/- 5-10 minutes for intraday times and +/-1 day for the daily CITs. All the different Cycles in the SP 500 markets are discussed.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Monday, November 9, 2009
Crash History Repeat? Sep 1929, August 1987 and October 2009

Here is the interesting part: October 09 is currently following an exact Fibonacci 34 squared weeks (also close to SC F25) cycle from the 8/25/1987 High.
Here is how the cycle breaks down:
1. 8/25/87 High = 10/20/09 High (+1)
2. 9/08/87 Low = 11/03/09 Low (-1 )
3. 9/14/87 High = 11/09/09 High +/-1
4. 9/22/87 Low = 11/17/09 Low +/-1
5. 10/5/87 High = 11/30/09 High +/-1
6. 10/12/87 Low = 12/07/09 Low +/-1
7. 10/13/87 High = 12/08/09 High +- 1
8. Crash Week: 10/20/87 Crash Low = 12/15/09 Low +/- 1
September 3rd 1929 High was an exact Fibonacci 55 Squared weeks away from August 25th 1987, which is an exact Fibonacci 34 squared weeks away from October 21st 2009 High. How unusual is that? Will History repeat?
This cycle might in fact work great until the 12/7/09 Lows +/- 1 TD, but then when everyone is expecting a crash week, it will simply disappear, or perhaps for the fun of it will just work fine this time.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
The US Dollar Times & Cycles

The US Dollar has been closely connected to the stock-markets and other markets.
The US Dollar had a 4 fan-line break. The more fanlines it breaks, the weaker it gets and the more likely it becomes we retest the March and July 2008 Lows at 70.70 and 71.30. The trend remains firmly down.
Eversince the July 2001 High at 121.02, we saw a 37% drop to current prices at 75.74, with no signs of reversals yet as daily, weekly and monthly trends remains down.
There is a 112 TD Daily cycle, mostly lows, next due 11/6 +/-.
There is an 82 week Cycle due on the 12/11 week +/-
There is a 73 Month Cycle of Lows, next due in December 2010.
US$ Dollar Daily CITs: 11/9, 11/17, 11/23, 12/1, 12/5
US$ Dollar weekly CITs; 12/28-1/1/10 and 8/6/2010 week.
US$ Monthly CITs: January 2010 and July 2010
Monday, November 2, 2009
Gold CITs Review

Gold Daily CITs posted on 9/12/09 here:
Forecast: 9/17, 9/24-25*, 9/30, 10/2, 10/30 and 5/2/10.
Actual: 9/17 HH, 9/25L, 9/30H, 10/2L, 10/30L, right on the uptrend channel.
Weekly CITs: 9/21-25 wk, 10/2 wk, 10/30 wk, 12/25 wk, 4/2/2010 wk, 11/5/10 wk
Actual: 9/25 Low, 10/2 Low and 10/30 Low.
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