This is a stockmarket site for both intraday and swingtraders, trading the SP emini,ETF's like QLD, SSO, etc. Various Timing techniques and Cycles are researched. Precise Timing is everything. Both Intraday and daily Change in Trend (CIT) Times are calculated through several unique timing methods that are often exact or off by mostly +/- 5-10 minutes for intraday times and +/-1 day for the daily CITs. All the different Cycles in the SP 500 markets are discussed.
In my previous post, my proprietary Series of cycles was looking for an 8/19 Low, I also had an unusual triple Change in Trend (CIT) Cluster intraday on 8/21, right at the Open at 9.40-45 am.
Result: We had an 8/20 Low right at the Open (click on chart to enlarge), and an 8/21 Low exactly on the triple Time Cluster.
The proprietary series of Cycles has been back on track and was looking for an 8/8L, 8/15H and a 8/19 Low, and is now looking for higher prices, but other cycles are suggesting the Low could stretch to a 8/21-22 Low. We'll see which dominates, but the Series has been the dominant Cycle for now.
In any case today, 8/20, intraday (Change in Trend) CIT and bias (sent to clients) was:
"Speculative Path: C/Open High,9.55 Low, 10.45-55* High, 11.30 High and 12.20 Low"
We had a Open High, 10.05LOD, 11-11.15HOD, 11.30H, 12.25L
For tomorrow, 8/21 there is a 9.40-45 am Time Cluster, bias is it will be a Low.
Other CITs for 8/21 are 1.40, 2.25 and 3.50pm EST.
In the last couple of posts, I had 3 Major CITs, which produced 3 Major Lows:
7/15 Major Low ("1 " chart, click on chart to enlarge), 8/4 2nd Higher Low most recently the 8/8 3rd higher Low.
We have entered the Olympic festival Mood. This is very bullish along with Crude Oil crashing.
The NDX/QQQ is leading the way breaking UP and away and rallying off its long term Up Channel support. We should be much higher by the end of the Month.
What is so special about this number? The Chinese considers 8 an extremely lucky number, as the sound of 8 in Chinese is associated with great fortune, that is why the Olympic Games in Beijing are scheduled to begin on Aug. 8, 2008 - yep, 8-8-08 - at 8:08:08 p.m. and tons of people plan to marry on this once in a lifetime date, 8/08/2008.
When you count all the numbers up, 8/08/2008 =8+8+2+8 =26 = 2= 6 = 8!
In Vedic Astrology and Numerology and also in Western Astrology, 8 stands for Saturn, the planet of Death & Change, suffering and sorrow, but Saturn also stands for Wisdom gained through experience, Discipline and Maturity. Saturn is considered the Father of Time as it governs change.
In general, it is considered inauspicious and a sign of hardships. However, Saturn "delays, but never denies", according to Vedic Astrology, once you have learned Saturn's lessons, after some delays and obstacles through the school of hard knocks, it becomes the greatest friend to you, and gives you "Self made Luck". Saturn eventually gives you a Kingdom. Here are some real time examples.
This Friday is also the Midpoint of the 2 Eclipses, one on 8/1/08 and the other on 8/16/08. We had a possible negative Omen for the Olympics, when we had an earthquake there a couple of days before the start of the Olympics tomorrow. Starting important events in between eclipses is considered inauspicious in Vedic Astrology, unless it is something of a spiritual nature.
In any case, 8/8/2008 will be an important time to watch for a Major change in the World as well as the Stock Markets. What Direction?