Friday, March 14, 2025

The Master Cycle suggests a 3/12/25+/-1 major swing Low, will it hold?

From the 2/28 Raj T&C Daily Email"The Master Cycle is suggesting that either this late February Low or the upcoming  3/12 Low will be the Low of the Year, even though Price magnitude is not a guarantee with the MC"

Actual: The markets declined into 3/13 lower Low at 5504.65 SPX, reaching our 5500 SPX Target at the 3/12 T&C cluster SPX at the 3/12 Solar, Geo and 33 TD SPX Cycle. 

Tesla also had an important 3/12 Time & Cycle cluster, with a 3/12 double long term Tesla Geo time CIT and Tesla's  37 TD and 104 TD cycle due 3/12+/- that saw the 3/11L at 217.02.

What's Next?: The MC suggests 3/13/25L as the possible Low of the Year, but as mentioned, Price Magnitude is not a guarantee with the MC. First we need further confirmation that the Lows are confirmed in, then we  look at  the many other Time & Cycles techniques to confirm.


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strategy. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Trading in
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Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Who else saw this coming?

Who else saw this coming? This was sent to subscribers on 2/13/25:


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purposes only and should not be construed as investment advice or
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Thursday, February 27, 2025

What the amazing MC is looking for now

 In my last 1/27 public post, the Master Cycle (MC) was looking for a 1/24-27H.

The long term Master Cycle (MC) saw 9 consecutive direct hits, all +/- 0-2 TD

1. 12/20/24L (0)

2. 12/26/24H(-1)

3. 01/02/25L(-1)

4. 01/06/25H (0)

5. 01/13/25L(-1)

A. 01/24/25H (0)

B. 02/0325L (+1)

C. 02/19/25H (+2) =>  2/19H was a rare +2 TD late

D. 02/25/25L (0)

Despite 2/19H being 2 TD late, which is rare, the MC is still active as it saw the predicted decline into 2/25/25L.

The MC had today, 2/27 as a retest higher Low, not a lower Low, but as mentioned before, Price magnitude is not a guarantee as the MC is a Time Cycle.

The equivalent decline as the Historic MC (if you saw it, you would know exactly why) would suggest is 5840-50 SPX, that is why 5850 SPX was the MC target.

The Master Cycle is suggesting that this late February Low and the upcoming March retest Low will be Low of the Year, even though Price magnitude is not a guarantee with the MC, it is still something to take into consideration. We are looking at other Time and Cycles to support this idea.


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purposes only and should not be construed as investment advice or
strategy. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Trading in
Stocks, Options and Futures involve risks. Trade at your own risk.

Monday, January 27, 2025

The 1/24-27 Time and Cycles (T&C) Cluster High

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Being in tune with the Laws of Nature

 We only suffer when we knowingly or unknowingly violate the Laws of Nature.

Next to TM (Transcendental Meditation, twice a day, that goes to the source of all Natural Laws within, what is the #1 Natural Law that the majority of people under estimate, take for granted and thus violate almost everyday that causes many unnecessary suffering, diseases and sickness?

The #1 Natural Law to heal yourself, besides TM twice a day: 

=> Go to bed early and get up early and take a morning walk in the light of the rising Sun
The 2nd most healing and powerful Law of Nature is : 

=>  Eat light in the morning and evening and lunch is the main heavy meal, but always to 3/4 of your capacity

Most people still live in Kali yug, the Age of darkness, ignorance & suffering, but you all are very fortunate to know these Laws of Nature and you can apply these simple laws of nature to help heal, enjoy better health and Happiness.

Wishing everyone Health & Happiness and a wonderful and pleasant ending of the year. 🙏🏼

Thursday, November 21, 2024

SPX 11/21 Review and Forecast

From the 11/10 T&C blogpost: "What's next for SPX?: We could see a spillover High Monday 11/11, but we are looking for atleast a short term 11/8-11H, decline, but another rally is due into a more important long term Geometric time CIT (the last one was the 10/14-17H) later this month that will be a major swing High"

From 11/10 T&C weekend Email: "Ideally we see a 11/8-11H and see a brief pullback into 11/14L+/-1 at the 11/14 Solar and Tesla Geo and 72 TD cycle of Lows, before we rally into 11/21 long term Geo time CIT " 

Actual: We made a spillover 11/11H that saw 5 waves Up (#5 on chart)The next 10 TD & 72 TD cycle Low was due 11/14L+/- at the 11/14  Solar CIT was the 11/15L (A). We have since rallied into today's 11/21 long term Geometric time CIT. As the 11/21 is a long term Geo time CIT (B), it could be a few trading days off, before the C wave decline starts, watch the intraday cycles for suggestive clues. The last long term Geometric time CIT was the 10/14-17H.

What's Next?: We make a 11/21 High +/- few days, and start a sharper decline.

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Bitcoin near Long term Highs on the weekly log chart

 Bitcoin near Long term Highs on the weekly log chart

Sunday, November 10, 2024

Review & Forecast Bitcoin & SPX

In my 10/12/24 blogpost, I mentioned that "BItcoin made an 10/10 Apex CIT bottom at 58,864"

It has since rallied > 21,000+ points to fresh All time Highs, touching 80,000 in Globex tonight, 
36% Increase.

So what's Next for Bitcoin? The weekly Bitcoin Log chart suggests we are right at pink channel resistance, suggesting a pullback is likely, but all trends are Up.

SPX Forecast 1 from
 that same 10/12 weekend public blogpost, we were looking for a Friday-Monday 10/11-14 SPX swing High (#1 on above chart) at the long term Geometric time CIT.

SPX Forecast 2 from 10/23/24 Email"We should see a final decline into 11/4-5 major T&C (Time and Cycle) Cluster Low (#2 on chart), including 11/4-5 triple Geo and Apex CIT (see chart) and the 208 week cycle of Lows (last 4 were Lows)"

Actual: We made an 10/14-17 SPX double Top (#1), declined into 11/4/24 major swing Low (#2) and have seen a rare 4 consecutive Gap and Go SU Days into 11/8H (#3 on chart) at the 11/7 Solar and 11/8 Apex CIT, suggesting a 11/8-11H being made.

What's next for SPX?: We could see a spillover High Monday 11/11, but we are looking for atleast a short term 11/8-11H, decline, but another rally is due into a more important long term Geometric time CIT (the last one was the 10/14-17H) later this month that will be a major swing High. 


The contents of this article are for general information and educational
purposes only and should not be construed as investment advice or
strategy. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Trading in
Stocks, Options and Futures involve risks. Trade at your own risk.

Thursday, October 31, 2024

Happy Festival of Lights


For those that celebrates it, Happy Festival of Lights, Happy Diwali

Saturday, October 12, 2024

What is so special about 10/12/24 Vijay Dakshimi / Victory Day?

 What is so special about 10/12/24 Vijay Dakshimi / Victory Day?

Forecast from 9/23/24 Daily Email: "The current bias is9/26H, 10/3L"

Actual: We rallied into 9/26H (#1 on chart), declined into 10/2-3L (#2 on chart)

Forecast from 10/3/24 Daily Email: "The current bias is10/2-3L,  10/10-11 swing High... 

We are in ongoing 5 mini waves Up from the C wave 9/6L into Mid-October Highs, with a 5820 SPX target"

Actual: From 10/2-3L, we rallied into 10/11H and reached our outstanding 5820 SPX target of the last few weeks (#3 on chart)

So, what is so special about 10/12/24 lunar day, aka Vijay Dakshimi / Victory Day?

1st: This lunar day is a major celebration day of Victory of Good over Evil in the Vedic Literature.

2nd: We have a major Time and Cycle Cluster High, centered on 10/12/24H (10/11-14H)

Time CIT (Change in Trend): 

10/10-11 major Long term Geometric & Solar time CIT

10/12  Victory day

10/12 Midpoint Chiron Retrograde and Direct & Pluto Direct, often CITs.

Cycle CIT: 

1. 24/48/96 TD SPX fixed (green vertical lines on chart) cycle due 10/10+/-

2.  Mother Divine Cycle suggests 10/3L and 10/12/24 major High (10/11-14H)

3rd: In the Vedic Lunar Calendar, 10/12/24 is the Lunar day after the 9 Days of Mother Divine lunar days = 10/12/1929H = 10/2/87H = 10/11/97H = 10/12/24 exact same lunar day.

What is so special about 5820 SPX

It is very Long term SPX channel resistance.

Conclusion: We are looking for an 10/11-14 swing High.

Bitcoin has its own path, it had an 10/10 Apex CIT Low and is now in bullish mode. Bitcoin's next major CIT is on 10/22, an important time to watch.


The contents of this article are for general information and educational
purposes only and should not be construed as investment advice or
strategy. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Trading in
Stocks, Options and Futures involve risks. Trade at your own risk.

Monday, September 30, 2024

Your Health is your greatest Wealth


We suffer only if we violate Laws of Nature.

The fastest way to get back in tune with the Laws of Nature, to go back to nature, which will solve 99% of your problems: 

1. Proper sleep (9-10 pm- 5-6 am)

2. TM ( twice a day, contact the source of Natural Laws within, meditation first, everything afterwards 

3. Rise in the early morning and take a brisk walk in the rising Sun 

4. Exercise daily in kapha time (6-10) in the morning sun to maximum 50% of capacity,  

5. Main Meal at Lunch, light breakfast (before 8 am) and light dinner (before 7 pm)

6. Keep the company of Wise, avoid negative people

7. Be a silent witness to any form of negativity

8. Practise Silence, read spiritual uplifting books, watch spiritual movies. 

9. Everything is your own creation, so be forgiving and caring towards yourself as you have your life in your own hands and be forgiving and caring to others

10. Count your blessings, be grateful for every little thing you have