Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Don't Panic...

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

The secret ingredient in many crash waves


In Vedic Astrology, there's an ancient Demon (Rakshasa) that was split in a fierce battle into two parts, the upper half of the Demon's Body, Rahu is the Moon's ("True") North Node and the lower half of the body is Ketu, the Moon's South Node, which causes the Solar and Lunar Eclipses.

Whenever these malefic Nodes comes into hard angles (0, 90, 180,
270 degrees) aspect with another big malefic, Mars, the planet of War,
it often produces some intense and violent conflicts and Change in Trends (CIT).

Some examples of Mars Rahu aspects from the past:

Mars squares Rahu: between 7/4/90 and 8/20/90, exact aspect was on
7/23/90. The market declined from 7/13/90 into 8/23/90.
Mars squares Rahu: Between 9/20/97 and 10/30/97, exact aspect was on
10/25/97. The market declined from 10/8/97 into 10/28/97.
Mars conjuncts Rahu: Between 9/27/98 and 11/17/98, exact aspect was
on 10/8/98. The market declined from 9/24/98 into 10/8/98.
Mars squares Rahu: Between 10/25/00 and 12/13/00, exact aspect was
on 11/29/00. The market declined from 11/6/00 into 12/21/00.


The Mars opposite Rahu (Moon's North Node) Crash Cycle.

1. Mars opposite Rahu: between 9/25/29 and 11/7/29, exact aspect was on 10/24/29. The market crashed from 10/11/29H into 10/29/29L

2. Mars opposite Rahu: between on 9/29/87 and 10/30/87, exact aspect was on 10/12/87. The market crashed from 10/2/87H into 10/20/87L.

3. Mars opposite Rahu: between 8/25/01 and 10/18/01, exact aspect was on 9/14/01. The market crashed from 8/27/01H into 9/21/01L.

Notice that in the 3 examples above, the Mars Opposition Rahu played a direct role in the 3 biggest Crashes of the last Century."

The 3 largest historic Crashes had Mars opposite Rahu (The Moon’s North Node) (exact) =  9/14/01! = 10/12/87! = 10/24/29!

The statistical odds that this was due to chance is very low.

Here are some recent examples:

Mars 180 True Node 06/15/2008 02:32 => crashed into 7/15/08L

Mars 180 True Node 07/23/2011 17:34 => crashed into 08/09/11L

Mars 180 True Node 09/25/2018 23:17 => crashed into 12/26/18L

Mars 180 True Node 02/25/2020 13:07 => crashed into 03/23/20L

From the 2/25/20 blogpost: “When Rahu is in certain degrees of Gemini and Ketu is in certain degrees of Sagittarius (in Vedic Astrology), we often see global tragic and crisis events. This was mentioned back in my December 2019 blogpost

The 18.6 Year Cycle of Rahu in Gemini and Ketu in Sagittarius:

1. 1927: Worst Earthquake in Xining, China, 200,000 Deaths
2. 1945: Bombing of Hiroshima, 8/6-9/45

3. 1963: Assassination of President Kennedy, 11/22/63

4. 1982: Aids Virus

5. 2001: Twin Towers, 9/11/01 was triggered by Mars Passover the 07/05/01 Solar Eclipse.

6. 2020: Corona Virus, 2/22/20 was triggered by Mars Passover the12/26/19 Solar Eclipse.

Rahu is in 6.40-20 min degrees in (Vedic) Gemini in Ardra Nakshatra (Teardrop Stargroup)= 9/26/19 -4/22/20 

Ketu is in 0-13.20 min degrees in (Vedic) Saggitarius in Mula Nakshatra (destruction Stargroup) = 2/12/20- 9/20/20

When both 1. Rahu is in Gemini in Ardra stargroup and  2. Ketu is in Saggitarius in Mula stargroup, we get this time frame between 2/12/20-4/22/20: we get the concentration of energy of destruction, explosion & tragic events.”

In last year’s 2/25/20 & 2/28/20 public post, we predicted the transits of Mars over the recent Solar Eclipse and the Mars opposite Rahu Crash cycle would trigger a crash wave, which it did and the crash wave bottomed on 3/23/20L.

Now, in Sidereal Astrology, Mars conjuncts Rahu, the top part of the Demon, the Moon's North node. They are conjunct, ie in the same house of vedic Taurus, the Bull, on 2/21/21. 

 Bitcoin made its ATH on 2/21/21 and dropped 20% in 1 day.

A word of caution: Not all Rahu Mars hard angles will produce crashes, but often when crashes occur, they seem to be a trigger. The purpose of this article is not to make people fearful and no one should depend on any crashes to make money and they certainly should not trade on this information alone. What I do suggest is take the time to study the statistical data presented, you might find it a very valuable tool.

Conclusion: The secret ingredient that is in many crashes are the hard angles (0, 90, 180) of Mars and Rahu.

It is Next due:  Mars 180 True Node, 10/3-11/17/23, Exact: 10/04/2023 08:06:38!!

Monday, September 18, 2023

The Master Cycle Update

 In the last public 8/25  blogpost, the Master Cycle (MC) predicted the 8/18L and 8/25 retest Low.

From the 8/25, 8/31 & 9/6 Raj T&C subscriber's Updates: "From the 8/25L, the MC is suggesting a strong rally into 9/5H, 9/6L and another rally into Friday 9/8H, from there we decline into 9/18L+/-1"

Actual: We rallied a strong 184.94 SP's into 9/1H, 1 day earlier than the projected MC 9/5H, declined into 9/7L, 1 day later than the MC 9/6L, from there we chopped higher into 9/14H, where the MC skipped a beat, but we are still have seen a decline into the 9/18-19 MC Low.

Apple, the current market leader, has followed the MC well in both Time and Price magnitude.

What's Next?: The Markets have been stuck in a contracting triangle, The MC suggests a large move is around the corner, for now the MC suggests a 9/18-19L and another rally.

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purposes only and should not be construed as an investment advice or
strategy. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Trading in
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Tuesday, September 12, 2023