The most recent daily Apex CIT (Change in Trend) was on 5/14 at the 5/14H. The hourly Apex of the same, was on Friday 5/11 at the close. The actual swing High arrived a little more than 1 hour later on Monday 5/14 at 10.40 am. There are other future Apex Time CITs to watch.
The last 9 consecutive days saw an important CIT (Change in Trend) centered on 2.15-2.50 pm Eastern. 5 were High of Day (HOD) and 3 were a Low of day (LOD).
5/2 2.15HOD
5/3 2.45HOD
5/4 2.50HOD
5/7 2.40HOD
5/8 2.45LOD
5/9 2.15HOD
5/10 2.45L
5/11 2.15LOD
5/14 2.20LOD
5/15 2.15-50?