This is a stockmarket site for both intraday and swingtraders, trading the SP emini,ETF's like QLD, SSO, etc. Various Timing techniques and Cycles are researched. Precise Timing is everything. Both Intraday and daily Change in Trend (CIT) Times are calculated through several unique timing methods that are often exact or off by mostly +/- 5-10 minutes for intraday times and +/-1 day for the daily CITs. All the different Cycles in the SP 500 markets are discussed.
SPX weekly is close to double Trend Line Resistance. The 63 hourly Cycle (see previous post) was the 1st hour High today.
There is a triple Junction Point of Trend lines at the 12/3 week, right where the next Square from 7/18/06 is due (12/4).
That is where the red arrow is pointing to on the linear chart shown here.
They say a falling dollar supports a rising stock market, so let's take a look at the Daily Dollar chart, which is in a steep down channel ever since the 6/7/2010 High.
The next Daily Geometric CIT is on 11/16 and 12/8. There is also a regular 58 TD cycle due around 11/16, which confirms the geometric CIT. Price wise, there is double channel and TL support around the 76 area. If wave 1 or A = wave 3 or C, then 74.93 is a potential down target.
The weekly Dollar broke below its Fork support, suggesting further weakness ahead. It has so far retraced 66% of its recent advance. The 78.6% retrace is at 77.28, which is right near Key channel support around the 77.45 area.
The next 2 weekly geometric CITs are the 5/6/2011 and 7/8/2011 weeks. It has a regular 82 week cycle next due 7/8/2011 wk, supporting the geometric CIT.
If you review and study the past dates, some are exact, but most are +/-3 TD, ie
9/16/10 is +/- 3 TD. The 9/21 High is 3 TD from the 9/16 date.
There are three in the Series of squares below that was +/-5 or 6 TD and that was 5/19/08 and 9/2/08 Major high, before the 2008 Crashwave started and 4/26/10 Major High. If we rally beyond 9/23-24/10 (5-6 TD + 9/16) then this square was a Dud. This has not happened since the 5/19/08H, more than 2 1/2 years now, as all the squares since then were solid hits, so it will be highly unusual if it does now and suggests an unusual strong bullish trend.
I would wish for everyone LOVE everlasting..
I would wish for everyone PEACE everlasting..
I would wish for everyone HAPPINESS everlasting.. I would wish for everyone GOOD HEALTH everlasting.. I would wish for everyone that Life is EVERLASTING..
Note: The following annual forecast report was emailed to anyone that requested it during the first months of this year. The reason I am posting it now is because the cycle went dormant for many months and recently became "Active again" calling for a 8/9 High and 8/30 Major Low and sharp rally afterwards.
IF it continues to be active, we will have a potential Mini Crash sometime in October-November time frame.
For the full free PDF report, you can email me at
The 1st section is below:
The Master Cycle 2010 stock market and Crash forecast
What is the Master Cycle?
Several years ago, I discovered a cycle that was in the market on a day by day basis, faded after a while, only to-reappear again, like clockwork it predicted shorter term and longer term swing highs and lows. I didn’t think much of it at the time, as the cycle would disappear and I was researching many cycles at the time and this was just one of the many. Over the years, I noticed that this same cycle and its multiples would again appear with amazing day to day precision, sometimes lasting for weeks and even months, only to disappear again for some time.
About a year ago, I started to give this cycle more attention. I was breezing through a book, “Human Physiology — Expression of Veda and the Vedic Literature” by Dr Tony Nader, (, when I suddenly realized that the Market cycle I found was intimately connected to the Human Physiology, Vedic Numerology and the Laws of Nature. I decided then to call it the Master Cycle.
The Master Cycle is a Natural Law based Vedic Numerology Cycle that has been very precise and dominant in the market. It is a Time Series Cycle, ie it predicts future swing Highs and Lows. It doesn't always project the magnitude of the Price Highs and Lows, ie the cycle in the past would suggest a 10% rally or decline, but it doesn’t always have the same % rally or decline in the present time.
The Master Cycle can and does fade or invert at anytime, so take it fwiw, as it is certainly not the Holy Grail, it will not catch every Major swing High or Low and it will have misses that last for weeks or longer, but don’t discard it or give up on it like I did for years, because when it is active it tends to be very precise for weeks and months. Of course we should NOT expect an exact repetition, but it should give you a general idea, as the Master Series of Cycles can be amazingly PRECISE. For this reason only, it has worth its price in gold.
The Master Cycle is calculated in Calendar Days or Trading Days as the MC shifts from one to the other. The Master Cycle expands and contracts like the Universe, so at times some adjusting, curve fitting and fine tuning is needed to get the Master Cycle aligned with current market conditions. It will then reward us by predicting the next swing high and Low with amazing precision....
For the full free PDF report, you can email me at
The markets has been straight up since cycles suggested those 8/27 Major Lows(see previous posts), with hardly a pullback, making short swings difficult to trade.
When is the next Major Time CIT (High or Low) to watch for the Market?
There is one coming up very soon:
Squares of CD from 7/18/06 Major Low: 26^2 = 05/24/08 -5 = 05/19/08 Major High
(26^2=26X26 CD=676CD+7/18/06L=5/24/08, etc.)
27^2 = 07/16/08 -1 = 07/15/08 Major Low
28^2 = 09/09/08 -5 = 09/02/08 Major High
29^2 = 11/05/08 -1 = 11/04/08 Major High
30^2 = 01/03/09+2 = 01/06/09 Major High
31^2 = 03/05/09+1 = 03/06/09 Major Low
32^2 = 05/07/09+1 = 05/08/09 Major high?
33^2 = 07/11/09-3 = 07/08/09 Major Low
34^2 = 09/16/09 = 09/16/09 High
35^2 = 11/24/09+3 = 11/27/09 Dubai Low
The Master Cycle (MC), which is different than the current Dominant Cycle, is active again.
It was looking for a 8/9 High and 8/30 Cycle Lows. From there it is also looking for a strong rally, including the last couple of days. This confirms the current Dominant Cycle.
The Master Cycle also has an interesting outlook for October - November this year as mentioned in the beginning of this year in the annual forecast.
For now, both Cycles agree with each other wrt when the next Highs and Lows will be. We are generally headed higher now.
Note: Many people have had trouble registering to the T&C Blog, so I will just keep the blog open, those that have requested it though, will receive any future posts firsthand in their email box, possibly days before it gets posted here.