This is a stockmarket site for both intraday and swingtraders, trading the SP emini,ETF's like QLD, SSO, etc. Various Timing techniques and Cycles are researched. Precise Timing is everything. Both Intraday and daily Change in Trend (CIT) Times are calculated through several unique timing methods that are often exact or off by mostly +/- 5-10 minutes for intraday times and +/-1 day for the daily CITs. All the different Cycles in the SP 500 markets are discussed.
So how did 2007 pan out for the Bulls and the Bears?
It was quite a volatile year, with many large swings up and down, Many crash calls this past year petered out to barely a 10% correction. overall the Bulls are on the winning side of the trade with the long term uptrend intact.
We started the year at 1418 SPX and are currently at 1492 SPX, another Up year in the Bull Market that started since 2003. It looks like a large Bull Flag or triangle, before yet another strong move higher in 2008.
A gift of Bliss, which is the true Secret for Success in Life:
"Enjoy your Life and be Happy. Being happy is of the utmost importance. Success in anything is through happiness. More support of Nature comes from being happy. Under all circumstances be happy, even if you have to force it a bit to change longstanding habits. Just think of any negativity that comes at you as a raindrop falling in your Ocean of Bliss. You may not always have an Ocean of Bliss, but think that way anyway and it will help it come. Doubting is not Blissful and does not create Happiness. Be happy, healthy and let all that love flow through your heart"
Maharishi January 1987
"From Bliss, indeed all these beings originate; Having been born, they are sustained by Bliss; They move towards and merge in Bliss."
Happy Blissful Holidays to you and yours.
The 12/18/07 Time Cluster
1. I had a triple CIT due 12/14-17+/-1, the 12/18 Low was 1 day off and fits this CIT as it is in the sphere of Influence (SOI).
2. Then we had the unusual cluster of Astro CITs on 12/18-19:
12/18, we had Mercury conjunct the Galactic Centre (=GC, discovery M. Zimmel), Venus Trine Uranus and 12/19 Sun conjunct GC, Saturn Retrograde and a double proprietary Astro CIT due 12/17 and 12/19.
3. The 2.5/5 week Low was overdue to bottom and made its Low on 12/18.
We will see higher Lows and higher Highs, even with the upcoming 20 week Cycle Lows due Late December/early January 08. We should see a strong rally once the 20 week Cycle Lows are in.