Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Intraday Time and Cycles 3/30/21

The intraday 5 min SPX Time CIT 03/30/21: 1st hr, 10.15, 11.40, 12.20-45, 1.40 pm, all +/-5-10 min

Actual: 10.23L, 11.46H, 12.20L, 12.40H

Intraday Cycle are the Pink lines: (9.40H), 10.20L, 11.15H, 12.30L, 2.00H, 3.10L, all +/-30 min.

Actual: 10.25L, 11.50H, 1.10L

The 1st hourly time CIT may have been the 10.23L, as we saw a higher midday Low, suggesting a last hour higher Low.

The 10.15 CIT was a 10.23L, the 11.40 CIT was a 11.46H, the 12.20 CIT was a 12.20L and the 12.45 CIT was a 12.40H.

The intraday cycle saw a 10.25L, 11.50H and 1.10L so far.

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