Wednesday, October 11, 2023

It isn't quite over until it is over


There is alot happening between Mid Oct and Mid November, including:

1. Annual Vedic Sun Debilitation => Loss of Confidence: 10/17-11/16

2, Vedic Venus Debilitated => Loss of Material Wealth: 11/3-11/30

3. Vedic Rahu/Ketu Gandanta (Literal drowning (Storms/bad weather) and drowning in Emotions) the next few Months 

4. Eclipse Cycle (never a good time): 10/14SE, 10/28 SE

5. Vedic Mars 180 Ra, 0 Ketu Crash Cycle: 10/3-11/17, Ma in Libra conjunct Ketu on 10/3 like 1929 crash and Terror 9/11/01 Ma 0 Ketu

6. Mid Sep- Dec: Saturn transits directly over USA's Moon is highest point of  "Sade Sati" 
(7 1/2 years, when Saturn transits the 12th, 1st and 2nd house from the birth Moon, with another 3 1/2 years to go)

7. Possible Mother Divine Crash Cycle

8. The Master cycle is still lurking out there.

It isn't over until it is over.

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